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ankle injury back pain Sep 10, 2021

Do you have chronic back pain? Maybe you've been through physical therapy but you keep hurting your back? Then your back pain may have little to do with your back. Once you injure yourself it sets off a chain of events that can cause further injuries down the road if you don't address a couple of the lingering problems from your initial injury. If you never correct the initial injury then you'll have an uphill battle to fix your back.

One of the most common injuries to create problems else-wear in the body is an injury to the ankle or foot. The main reason for this, is that shift our weight away from the injury. If we do not put equal weight on both feet then it offsets our hips, or SI joint. When this happens, one of the hip bones elevates. This can create an imbalance in pressure on the lower spines vertebra, which in turn creates more imbalanced pressure on the discs of the spine which can eventually lead to disc herniations, stenosis and other spinal disorders. Additionally it can create an improper gait - the length of our stride from one leg to the next as we walk or run. This can cause hip and lower back pain, as well as start to twist the hips which can create a dropped shoulder or shoulder and neck injury.

As you can see, this takes the whole, "The hip bone's connected to the thigh bone" thing to a whole other level. To understand more about this, and what to do to prevent one injury causing another - hit that play button.


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