Is your sleep position creating your pain?
Sep 10, 2021
You may not realize it, but the way you sleep may be causing all kinds of aches and pains. From shoulder and neck pain to sciatica and lower back pain, the repetitive stress of your sleep position could be putting you in a world of hurt. You CAN change this, with a little knowledge and some practice.
The most important thing to take away from this video is the fact that the repetitive nature of any one of these sleep positions is really what causes trouble. Even if you sleep in one of the “bad positions, you can still do so as long as you switch things up. If you sleep on your right side one night, sleep on your left side the next night. If you sleep with your right leg turned out, sleep with your left leg turned out the next night.
“How am I supposed to know how I sleep?” It is true that most of us toss and turn a lot in our sleep, or we just sleep through the night without waking at all (you lucky people). But if you start out the night in a “good” position, such as sleeping on your back, then you can practice that position and hopefully be able to maintain it after several nights of starting in that position.
Now, what exactly is a “good” position? In this video, we point out which positions tend to create the most problems in the body. This information is gathered from over twenty years of experience working with clients and also web-based research. From all that research, we have concluded that sleeping on your back is the best for reducing sciatica, lower back pain, and shoulder pain. However, we do understand that if you have sleep apnea or other conditions, sleeping on your back may not work for you, so we do have some other suggestions.
The intent of this video was to show the gambit of possibilities of sleep patterns and what harm they MAY cause. If you have back pain or sciatica? Then maybe it is your sleep position. Do your best to start the night off in a better position, and with some practice hopefully, you will see your pain start to go away. Every little change counts.
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