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Sep 10, 2021
There are so may things we do daily that cause us pain, yet we don't always know where to look or what to do to fix it. Siting on the couch for hours is one of those things that can wreck havoc on your body - but what can you do about it? Well, actually there is a lot!
Slouching on the couch to watch your favorite tv show or movie can cause back pain, hip pain, neck pain, and even sciatica. If it doesn't make you feel bad then it can make you look bad by creating a hunched posture, like you're a hundred years old. If you don't fix this repetitive stress you may even get spinal herniations, slipped discs, or throw your back out. With some simple changes to your tv placement and a couple of pillows, you can make a world of difference in relieving your pain and helping your posture.
In this video Craig Zuckerman, President of the fitness and wellness company, Z-Line Fitness, will show you exactly what to do to relieve the aches and pains caused by sitting on the couch.
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